M.Sc. Module

Plant Species Conservation - Artenschutz bei Pflanzen

MSc Biodiv&Ecol: A3; MSc LaÖk: V11

Time: Every second spring (Sommersemester), alternates with module "Plant Population Genetics", next: spring 2017

Duration: one semester

Fields of interest: "Natural history" and population biology of vascular plants; species conservation (Artenschutz) in plants, Red Lists, Species Conservation Plans; Methods and tools to investigate the conservation biology of plants; activities in plant conservation, Germany and International

Courses offered:

Lecture (V) „Plant Population Biology“ (Populationsbiologie der Pflanzen, 2SWS/2LP)

Lecture (V) „Plant Species Conservation“ (Botanischer Artenschutz, 2SWS/2LP)

Seminar (S) „Investigation of Plant Reproductive Systems“ (2SWS/2LP)

Practical Exercise (P) "Field experiments in Plant Population Biology" (MSc BioDiv&Ecol 5SWS/6LP / MSc LaÖk 2SWS/2LP)

For details, please look at the lectures on this web page or ask at martin.schnittler [ at ] uni-greifswald.de.

Plant Population Genetics - Populationsgenetik der Pflanzen

MSc Biodiv&Ecol: A17; MSc LaÖk: V29

Time: Every second spring (Sommersemester), alternates with module " Plant Species Conservation ", next: spring 2016

Duration: one semester

Fields of interest: Evolution and genetics of reproductive systems in vascular plants, mosses and fungi, sexual and asexual reproductive systems, clonal growth in plants, reproductive systems and speciation mechanisms; basics and methods in population genetics; adaptive potential of forest trees with environmental change

Courses offered:

Lecture (V) „Plant Population Genetics“ (Populationsgenetik der Pflanzen, 2SWS/2LP)

Lecture (V) „Plant Breeding Systems“ (Reproduktionssysteme bei Pflanzen, 2SWS/2LP)

Seminar (S) „Molecular Methods in Population Genetics and Plant Systematics“ (2SWS/2LP)

Lab Course (P) "Plant Population Genetics" (MSc BioDiv 5SWS/6LP / MSc LaÖk 2SWS/2LP)

For details, please look at the lectures on this web page or ask at martin.schnittler [ at ] uni-greifswald.de.


Schedule of this module for 2016:

Lecture (V) „Population Genetics of Plants“ (2SWS/2LP): Double lectures (WED, 12-16:00 Seminar room Soldmannstr. 15)

Block I: APR 6, 13, 20; Block II: MAY 25, JUN 1 ; Block III: JUN 15, 22)

Lecture (V) „Plant Breeding Systems“ (Reproduktionsbiologie der Pflanzen, 2SWS/2LP): Double lectures (TUE, 14-18:00 Seminar room Soldmannstr. 15)

Block I: APR 5, 12, 19; Block II: MAY 24, 31; Block III: JUN 14, 21)

Seminar (S) „Molecular Methods in Population Genetics and Plant Systematics“ (2SWS/2LP): Double sessions, MON, 14-19:00, Director‘s Room, Soldmannstr. 15

Block I: APR 11, 18; Block II: MAY 23, 30; Block III: JUN 13, 20)

Lab Course (P) „Molecular diversity in Diphasiastrum spp. (clubmosses, Lyopodiaceae) across the northern hemisphere“: (MSc BioDiv 5SWS/6LP / MSc LaÖk 2SWS/2LP). This practical part is organized on appointment and can, if necessary, as well be done in other semesters, i.e. before or after the spring semester where the module is offered.