Large Algae

The stonewort (Characeae) herbarium of the Botanical Institute Greifswald

M. Schnittler, S. Starke

Among the collections in the botanical museum (Starke & Schnittler 2009) we also inherited a remarkable collection of algae. Comprising more than 30,000 accessions, this collection helds a number of types, together with several exsiccate series. Among the macroscopic algae, the stoneworts (Characeae) are represented best in our collection, since the Baltic Sea with its coastal lagoons is a centre of diversity in this group, which comprises about 40 taxa in Germany. The stonewort collection was curated and digitalized by our late colleague Christian Blümel (1971-2006) in the frame of the ELBO-Project (Development of guidelines for quality assessment of brackish waters of the German Baltic Sea coast according to the EC water quality guideline).

An Excel-File with data of all 1272 specimens in GFW, among them 22 isotypes, can be downloaded here

The most comprehensive contribution is from Ludwig Holtz; further important collectors are C. Baenitz, A. Braun, T.F. Marsson, W. Migula (well known by its multi-volume flora about cryptogamic plants), J. Münter, R. Ruthe, C.A. Seehaus, F. Schütt, P. Sydow, K.-A. Wegener and H. Zabel.


Collection Manager: S. Starke, Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology, Grimmer Str. 88, D-17487 Greifswald, Email

Specialist for stonewort algae at the University of Greifswald: I. Blindow, Biological Station of Hiddensee, D-18565 Kloster / Hiddensee, Email



Starke, S. & Schnittler, M (2009): Die Sammlungen des Botanischen Institutes der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald. In: Obst, K., Reinicke, G.-B., Richter, S. & Seemann, R. [Hrsg.] Schatzkammern der Natur – Naturkundliche Sammlungen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. – 100 S, ISBN: 978-3-00-025888-6.

Planktonic Algae

The Micro Algae Collection of the Botany Institute of the Univertity of Greifswald

[Translate to English:] Achnanthes brevipes
[Translate to English:] Amphora pediculus
[Translate to English:] Asteromphalus ralfsianus
[Translate to English:] Campylodiscus clypeus
[Translate to English:] Cocconeis cymbiformis
[Translate to English:] Coscinodiscus subtilis
[Translate to English:] Cymatopleura solea
[Translate to English:] Cymbella gastroides
[Translate to English:] Denticula elegans
[Translate to English:] Diatoma vulgare
[Translate to English:] Draparnaldia plumosa
[Translate to English:] Epithemia musculus
[Translate to English:] Lepocinclis texta
[Translate to English:] Licmophora capensis
[Translate to English:] Melosira nummuloides
[Translate to English:] Navicula amphirrhynchus
[Translate to English:] Nitzschia linearis
[Translate to English:] Pleurostaurum javanicum
[Translate to English:] Pyxilla carinifera
[Translate to English:] Rhopalodia gibba