Allgemeine und spezielle Botanik
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The main interest of the working group is reproductive biology, evolution of reproductive systems and their consequences for speciation as well as biodiversity of vascular plants, fungi, and protists. The balance between sexual and asexual reproduction in these different groups of organisms is the subject of several research projects that combine field studies and classic morphological analyses with molecular methods like barcode sequences, AFLP, or SSR (microsatellites).
In addition, the group maintains the Herbarium GFW, with ca. 250 000 specimens the largest in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, and curates collections and plant diversity data bases for one of the main regions of interest of the institute, Central Asia. A recently completed project regards the Vascualr Plant flora of Mongolia (FloraGREIF).
The group obtained main funding from the German Science Foundation (DFG), the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and, to a lesser extent, from the German Ministry for Research and Education (BMBF). Further grants are also listed at the staff's personal pages.
Beginning in 2015, the group participates in the DFG-funded research training group "Biological responses to novel and changing environments - RESPONSE" (RTG 2010) with two projects that focus on protists (plasmodial slime molds occuring on snowbanks) and forest trees (Picea glauca, Alaska; Abies alba, Europe).