Dr. Franziska Tanneberger

Areas of work

  • Habitat selection and ecology of fen mire species in Central and Eastern Europe and in Siberia (with particular focus on the Aquatic Warbler)

  • Site-adapted land use on near-natural and rewetted fens and utilization options for fen biomass

  • Financial instruments for peatland rewetting, in particular for the voluntary carbon market, and assessment of wider ecosystem services of rewetted peatlands

  • Distribution and condition of mires and peatlands in Europe

Education and professional career

since 2015
Director of the Greifswald Mire Centre

since 2012
Researcher at the University of Greifswald

2013 - 2014
Researcher at the Hemholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ

2009 - 2011
Freelance work for Landesumweltamt Brandenburg (NATURA2000 Management plan Aquatic Warbler), OTOP BirdLife Poland (scientific advisor EU-LIFE project), NABU Brandenburg (E+E Project on management for meadow breeding birds in Lower Oder Valley), Michael Succow Foundation (BMU project on peatland restoration for climate and biodiversity benefits in Belarus)

2005 - 2008
PhD project at University of Greifswald (DBU-funded project "'The Pomeranian population of the Aquatic Warbler - habitat selection and management")

2004 - 2005
Researcher at the University of Greifswald (development of tuition material for international MSc course LENC)

1996 - 2003
Studies in Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation (majors Peatland Ecology and International Nature Conservation) at Universities of Greifswald und Reading/UK


  • REPEAT  -  Restoration and prognosis of peat formation in fens linking diversity in plant functional traits  to soil biological and biogeochemical processes (ERA-Net/DFG, 2017-2019)
  • WETSCAPES - Understanding turnover and exchange of matter in wetlands to foster better land  management, climate adaptation and protection of water bodies (excellence  initiative  of  the  German  federal state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 2017-2020)

  • Habitat restoration and conservation for the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler using novel approaches in wet grassland management in Lower Oder Valley National Park (BfN, 2012-2016)
  • Integrated Peatland Standard (TEEB Implementation) (BfN, 2011-2013)

  • VIP - Vorpommern Initiative for Paludiculture (BMBF, 2010-2013)

  • The Pomeranian population of the Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) - habitat selection and management (DBU, 2005-2008)


complete publication list

Journal articles (peer-reviewed)

  • Arbeiter S, Franke E, Helmecke A & Tanneberger F (2017): Habitat preference offemale Corncrakes Crex crex: implications for the conservation of breeding sitesin a secretive species. Bird Study. Doi 10.1080/00063657.2017.1318107.
  • Kloskowski J, Tanneberger F, Marczakiewicz P, Wisniewska A, Choynowska A (2015): Optimal habitat conditions for the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola in eastern Poland and their implications for fen management. Ibis 157: 406-412.
  • Milne W, Banwart, SA, Noellemeyer E, Abson DJ, Ballabio C, Bampa F, Bationo A, Batjes NH, Bernoux M, Bhattacharyya T, Black H, Buschiazzo DE, Cai Z, Cerri CE, Cheng K, Compagnone C, Conant R, Coutinho HL, de Brogniez D, de Carvalho Balieiro F, Duffy C, Feller C, Fidalgo EC, Figueira da Silva C, Funk R, Gaudig G, Gicheru PT, Goldhaber M, Gottschalk P, Goulet F, Goverse T, Grathwohl P, Joosten H, Kamoni PT, Kihara J, Krawczynski R, La Scala Jr N, Lemanceau P, Li L, Li Z, Maron P-A, Martius C, Melillo J, Montanarella L, Nikolaidis N, Nziguheba G, Pan G, Pascual U, Paustian K, Piñeiro G, Powlson D, Quiroga A, Richter D, Sigwalt A, Six J, Smith J, Smith P, Stocking M, Tanneberger F, Termansen M, van Noordwijk M, van Wesemael B, Vargas R, Luiz Victoria R, Waswa B, Werner D, Wichmann S, Wichtmann W, Zhang X, Zhao Y, Zheng J, Zheng J (2015): Soil Carbon, Multiple Benefits. Environmental Development 13: 33-38.
  • Tanneberger F, Knöfler V, Linke W, Tegetmeyer C, Kloskowski J (2014): Rapid changes in vegetation structure of Aquatic Warbler habitats in Pomerania - outcomes of targeted five year habitat management. Plant Diversity and Evolution 130: 303-313
  • Wichtmann W, Oehmke C, Bärisch S, Deschan F, Malashevich U & Tanneberger F (2014): Combustibility of biomass from wet fens in Belarus and its potential as a substitute for peat in fuel briquettes. Mires and Peat 13: Article 06, 01-10.
  • Frick A, Tanneberger F, Bellebaum J (2014): Model based selection of areas for the restoration of Acrocephalus paludicola habitats in NE Germany. Environmental Management 53: 728-738. DOI 10.1007/s00267-014-0234-x
  • Völlm C & Tanneberger F (2014) Shallow inundation favours decomposition of Phragmites australis leaves in a near-natural temperate fen. Mires and Peat 14: Article 6, 01-09. pdf
  • Bonn A, Reed MS, Evans CD, Joosten H, Bain C, Farmer J, Emmer I, Couwenberg J, Moxey A, Artz R, Tanneberger F, von Unger M, Smyth M-A & Birnie D (2014): Investing in nature: developing ecosystem service markets for peatland restoration. Ecosystem Services 9: 54-65.
  • Couwenberg J, Thiele A, Tanneberger F, Augustin J, Bärisch S, Dubovik D, Liashchynskaya N, Michaelis D, Minke M, Skuratovich A, Joosten H (2011): Assessing greenhouse gas emissions from peatlands using vegetation as a proxy. Hydrobiologia 674: 67-89.
  • Tanneberger F, Bellebaum J, Helmecke A, Minets M (2013): Nesting and foraging characteristics of the strongly declining Aquatic  Warbler  population  in  Pomerania. Acta Ornithologica 48: 109-118.
  • Tanneberger F, Bellebaum J, Dylawerski M, Fartmann T, Jurzyk-Nordlöw S, Koska I, Tegetmeyer C, Wojciechowska M (2011): Habitats of the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) in Pomerania – site conditions, flora, and vegetation characteristics. Plant Diversity and Evolution 129/3–4: 253–273.
  • Oppel S, Pain DJ, Lindsell J, Lachmann L, Diop I, Tegetmeyer C, Donald PF, Anderson G, Bowden C, Tanneberger F, Flade M (2011): High variation reduces the value of feather stable isotope ratios in identifying new wintering areas for aquatic warblers in West Africa. Journal of Avian Biology 42: 342-354.
  • Tanneberger F, Flade M, Preiksa Z, Schröder B (2010): Habitat selection of the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler at the western margin of the breeding range and implications for management. Ibis 152: 347-358.
  • Tanneberger F, Tegetmeyer C, Dylawerski M, Flade M, Joosten H (2009): Slender, sparse, species-rich – winter cut reed as a new and alternative breeding habitat for the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler. Biodiversity and Conservation 18: 1475-1489.
  • Tanneberger F, Bellebaum J, Helmecke A, Fartmann T, Just P, Jehle P, Sadlik J (2008): Rapid deterioration of aquatic warbler Acrocephalus paludicola habitats at the western margin of its breeding range. Journal of Ornithology 149 (1):105-115.
  • Schipper AM, Zeefat R, Tanneberger F, Van Zuidam JP, Hahne W, Schep S, Loos S, Bleuten W, Joosten H, Lapshina ED, Wassen MJ (2007): Vegetation characteristics and eco-hydrological processes in a pristine mire in the Ob River valley (Western Siberia). Plant Ecology 193:131–145.
  • Wassen MJ, Olde Venterink H, Lapshina ED, Tanneberger F (2005): Endangered plants persist under phosphorus limitation. Nature 437 (7058): 547-551.


Selected books and book chapters

  • Joosten H, Tanneberger F & Moen A (eds) (2017): Mires and peatlands of Europe:Status, distribution and conservation. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, 730 p.

  • Joosten H, Gaudig G, Tanneberger F, Wichmann S & Wichtmann W (2016): Paludicultures: Sustainable productive use of wet and rewetted peatlands. In: Bonn A, Allott T, Evans M, Joosten H & Stoneman R (eds.): Peatland restoration and ecosystem services: science, practice, policy. Cambridge University Press. pp. 339-357.
  • Wichtmann W, Kapitsa V, Tanneberger F & Tanovitskaja N (2016): Belarus – Biomass from rewetted peatlands as a subsitute for peat and for promoting biodiversity. In: Wichtmann W., Schröder C & Joosten H (eds.) Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands. Climate protection – biodiversity – regional economic benefits. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart. pp. 205-206.
  • Tanneberger F, Garkowski D & Krogulec J (2016): Poland – Paludiculture for biodiversity and peatland protection. In: Wichtmann W., Schröder C & Joosten H (eds.) Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands. Climate protection – biodiversity – regional economic benefits. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart. pp. 207-208.
  • Bachinger, J. Berger, G., Blocj, R., Deumlich, D., Freier, B., Funk, R., Glemnitz, M., Gottwald, F., Horn, H., Kersebaum, C., Kühne, S., Müller, K., Pfeffer, H., Plieninger, T., Podhora, A., Reckling, M., Reutter, M., Saure, C., Schleyer, C., Steidl, J., Stein-Bachinger, K., Tanneberger, F., Trepel, M., Wagener, E. & Wichmann, S. (2016): Ökosystemleistungen in Agrarlandschaften. In: von Haaren, C. & Albert, C. (eds.): Naturkapital Deutschland - TEEB-DE. Ökosystemleistungen in Ländlichen Räumen. Hannover, Leipzig. pp. 45-146.
  • Bonn, A., Berghöfer, A., Couwenberg, J., Drösler, M., Jensen, R., Kantelhardt, J., Luthardt, V., Permien, T., Röder, N., Schaller, L., Schweppe-Kraft, B., Tanneberger, F., Trepel, M. & Wichmann, S. (2015): Klimaschutz durch Wiedervernässung von kohlenstoffreichen Böden. In: Hartje, V., Wüstemann, H. & Bonn, A. (eds.): Naturkapital und Klimapolitik – Synergien und Konflikte. Technische Universität Berlin, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ. Berlin, Leipzig, pp. 124-147.
  • Joosten H, Brust K, Couwenberg J, Gerner A, Holsten B, Permien T, Schäfer A, Tanneberger F, Trepel M & Wahren A (2015): MoorFutures® Integration of additional ecosystem services (including biodiversity) into carbon credits – standard, methodology and transferability to other regions. BfN-Skript 407. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn-Bad Godesberg. 120 p. pdf
  • Joosten H, Gaudig G, Krawczynski R, Tanneberger F, Wichmann S & Wichtmann W (2014): Managing Soil Carbon in Europe: paludicultures as new perspective for peatlands. In: Banwart SA, Noellemeyer E, Milne E (eds.) Soil Carbon: Science, management and policy for multiple benefits. SCOPE Series Vol. 71. CABI, Wallingford, UK. pp. 297-306.
  • Tanneberger F, Krogulec J & Gatkowski D (2014) Managing wet fens for biodiversity conservation and sustainable biomass use. Using peatland biomass for fuel at Biebrza. In: Cris R, Buckmaster S, Bain C, Reed M (Eds) Global Peatland Restoration demonstrating SUCCESS. IUCN UK National Committee Peatland Programme, Edinburgh. pp. 26-27.
  • Dommain R, Barthelmes A, Tanneberger F, Bonn A, Bain C, Joosten H (2012): Country-wise opportunities. In: Joosten H, Tapio-Biström M-L, Tol S (eds.) Peatlands - guidance for climate change mitigation by conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable use. Mitigation of climate change in agriculture Series 5. FAO and Wetlands International, Rome. pp. 45-84.
  • Tanneberger F & Wichtmann W (eds.) (2011): Carbon credits from peatland rewetting. Climate – biodiversity – land use. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart. 223 p.
  • Tanneberger F & Wichtmann W (eds.) (2011): Uglerodnye kredity i zabolachivanie degradirovannyh torfjanikov. Klimat – Bioraznoobrazie – Zemlepolzovanie. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart. 223 p.