A3: Plant-microbiome interactions in the fen rhizosphere
Project leader: Dr. Tjorven Hinzke (University of Greifswald)
Rhizosphere microbiomes (rhizobiomes) are the central interaction interface between plants, soil, and the atmosphere. Interactions between peatland rhizobiomes and plants influence plant performance, plant biomass production and decomposition, plant reactions to changing environmental conditions, and thus, ultimately, GHG production and peat formation potential. In A3, we will analyze how key plant-rhizobiome interactions in fen peatlands change during a long-term chronosequence of rewetting, as well as during short-term extreme events. We will contrast plant–rhizobiome interactions in peatland soil with those in shallow water bodies, and link plant–rhizobiome interactions to plant growth performance, GHG emissions, and environmental conditions including peat quality. For this, we will use meta-omics analyses supplemented by microscopic techniques. On this basis, we will identify potential and realized key interactions, their correlation with environmental conditions, and postulate how these interactions might shape the further development of wetscapes 2.0.