C2: Spatio-temporal assessment of rewetting effects on tree growth on and beyond peatlands
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Martin Wilmking (University of Greifswald)
Tree growth, C sequestration and the resilience of forest ecosystems to extreme events are intrinsically linked to water availability, and trees and forests in turn influence the green water cycle at local to regional scales. When rewetting a landscape (wetscape), these naturally linked water and C cycles are clearly affected, which then in turn influences many forest ecosystem services, both on peatlands and in the hydrologically linked surrounding area. But to which extent is an open question. Therefore, C2 will use (1) state-of-the art tree growth monitoring to assess the response of trees and forests to rewetting on peatlands and their surroundings, hydrologically linked mineral soils of the wider wetscapes; and (2) extensive retrospective tree-ring analysis for the temporal and spatial context. Combining temporal analyses of growth at resolutions of decades to hours with spatial and functional information will constrain assessments of the effect of extreme events, such as droughts and flooding, on forest productivity and C dynamics, resilience and local to regional water balance. C2 will make use of the extensive network of Screening and Core Sites for more generalized assessments. C2 will instrument Core sites and the L-LExps to better elucidate the mechanisms driving tree growth under variable water regimes.