Dr. Cosima Tegetmeyer
- Vogelberingung (alle Arten), Radiotelemetrie, Analyse von Vogelhabitaten
- Geographische Informationssysteme
- Moor- und Vegetationsökologie
Beruflicher Werdegang
seit 2013
wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Greifswald, Arbeitsgruppe Moorkunde und Paläoökologie
seit 2008
Promotion „Analyse von Überwinterungshabitaten des Seggenrohrsängers im Senegal“ gefördert von der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) und der MAVA - Foundation for Nature
Studium: Landschaftsökologie und Naturschutz in Greifswald
- Analyse von Überwinterungshabitaten des Seggenrohrsängers im Senegal (DBU,MAVA, 2008-2011)
- Die Pommersche Population des Seggenrohrsängers (Acrocephalus paludicola) - Habitatwahl und Habitatmanagement (DBU, 2005-2008)
Aufsätze in Zeitschriften (peer-reviewed)
- Poluda A, Flade M, Foucher J, Kiljan G, Tegetmeyer C and Salewski V (2012) First confirmed connectivity between breeding sites and wintering areas of the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola. Ringing & Migration. 27 (1): 57-59.
- Tegetmeyer C, Thoma M and Arbeiter S (2012) Moult and mobility of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola on the West African non-breeding grounds. Journal of Ornithology. 153 (4): 1045-1051.
- Arbeiter S and Tegetmeyer C (2011) Home range and habitat use by the Aquatic Warblers Acrocephalus paludicola on their wintering grounds in Northwestern Senegal. Acta Ornithologica. 46: 117-126.
- Oppel S, Pain DJ., Lindsell JA., Lachmann L, Diop I, Tegetmeyer C, Donald PF., Anderson G, Bowden CGR, Tanneberger F and Flade M (2011) High variation reduces the value of feather stable isotope ratios in identifying new wintering areas for aquatic warblers Acrocephalus paludicola in West Africa. Journal of Avian Biology . 42(4): 342–354.
- Buchanan GM., Lachmann L, Tegetmeyer C, Oppel S, Nelson A and Flade M (2011) Identifying the potential wintering sites of the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola using remote sensing. The Ostrich. 82 (2): 81-85
- Flade M,Diop I, Haase M,Le Nevé A, Oppel S, Tegetmeyer C, Vogel A and Salewski V (2011) Distribution, ecology and threat status of the Aquatic Warblers (Acrocephalus paludicola) wintering in West Africa. Journal of Ornithology. 152 (0): 129–140.
- Tanneberger F, Tegetmeyer C, Dylawerski M, Flade M and Joosten H (2009) Commercially cut reed as a new and sustainable habitat for the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler. Biodiversity and Conservation. 6: 1475-1489.
Forschungsberichte, Diskussionspapiere, andere Aufsätze
- Tanneberger F, Bellebaum J, Dylawerski M, Fartmann T, Jurzyk S, Koska I, Tegetmeyer C and Wojciechowska M (2011): Habitats of the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) in Pomerania - site conditions, flora, and vegetation characteristics. Plant Diversity and Evolution. DOI: 10.1127/1869-6155/2011/0129-0047
- Tegetmeyer C, Tanneberger F, Dylawerski M, Flade M and Joosten H (2007): The Aquatic Warbler - Saving Europe's most threatened song bird. Peatlands International. 1: 19-23.
- Tegetmeyer C, Peper J, Etzold J and Schmidt S (2007): Conservation value of the shifting sand dune complex and lagoons in Samur Divichi Lowlands (Northern Azerbaijan). Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung. 46.: 79-93.