Within the framework of the PaludiZentrale project, I examine the effects of rewetting and paludiculture on biodiversity. My main focus is on the cross-project harmonization of methods for zoological surveys in various model and demonstration projects. Additionally, I complement existing monitoring approaches with bioacoustic surveys and eDNA sampling.
Martens HR, Laage K, Eickmanns M, Drexler A, Heinsohn V, Wegner N, Muster C, Diekmann M, Seeber E, Kreyling J, Michalik P, Tanneberger F (2023)
Paludiculture can support biodiversity conservation in rewetted fen peatlands.
Scientifc Reports 13:18091.
Seit 2023: Research assistant Uni Greifswald – AP5 biodiversity PaludiZentrale
2021: Scientific internship within the scope of entomological surveys PRINCESS project (Zoological Museum Greifswald/Greifswald Mire Center)
2019 – 2023: Biodiversity and Ecology (M. Sc) – University of Greifswald
Master's Thesis: “Habitatpotentialanalyse von Typha-Paludikulturen auf wiedervernässten Niedermoorstandorten Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und deren Bedeutung für die Libellenfauna (Odonata)”
2017 – 2019: Working as a student sssistant (parental leave replacement) in the revitalization project Wilde-Mulde, with a focus on carabidological accompanying research.
2016 – 2017: Scientific internship at the Bavarian Forest National Park
2014 – 2019: Environmental Monitoring (B. Sc.) - HTW Dresden
Bachelorarbeit: “Vergleich von Methoden zur Erfassung von Carabiden im Rahmen des Revitalisierungsprojekts „Wilde-Mulde“ (Sachsen-Anhalt)”
PaludiZentrale - Central coordination of model and demonstration projects for peatland conservation, including the utilization of renewable resources from paludiculture (FPNR/BMEL, 2023-2032)
PRINCESS - Peatland Rewetting In Nitrogen-Contaminated Environments: Synergies and trade-offs between biodiversity, climate, water quality and Society (ERA-Net/BMBF, 2021-2024)
Wilde Mulde – Revitalization of a wild river landscape
(BBV/BMBF, 2015-2020)