Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Dynamics

The working group Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Dynamics mourns the loss of Dr. Tobias Scharnweber (20 December 1974 – 19 November 2023)

Dr. Tobias Scharnweber studied "Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation" at the University of Greifswald, where he also obtained his doctorate in 2015. Shortly afterwards, he took over the lead of the dendroecology laboratory at the Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology. With a high level of professional expertise, exceptional commitment and, above all, a big heart, he was contact person for students, employees and colleagues in Greifswald and far beyond.

As a proven forest expert, he taught with enthusiasm in the field of sustainable land use and forest ecology and conducted research at the interface between climate change impacts, the historical use and the future of native deciduous forests. Dr. Tobias Scharnweber combined his internationally acclaimed expertise in the reconstruction of past environmental conditions with his forest ecology research in collaboration with national and international partners in an invigorating way. His modest and honest manner made him a popular discussion partner far beyond the world of science, for example in documentaries by NDR or Deutschlandfunk, at the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Festival and in various artistic projects.

With his passing, we have lost a universally valued, reliable colleague and teacher who made a great contribution to the university with his professional and personal expertise and his personality.

The working group is strongly involved in the study programs “Landscape ecology and nature conservation” (Diplom, B.Sc., and M.Sc.), and contributes several teaching modules to the biological and geographical study programs.

Research focus:

  • Ecosystem Dynamics / Forest Ecology

  • Global Change

  • Sustainable land use and land use concepts in Eurasia

  • Landscape development, Vegetation databases

University forests reveal effects of drought on important tree species in Germany

New study by Tobias Scharnweber et al. (published in Environmental Research Letters) shows the effect of two consecutive drought years, 2018 and 2019. In 2018, even though it hardly rained, there was enough soil water – trees grew fine. In 2019 it became too dry – trees suffered badly.


Prof. Martin Wilmking, Ph.D.


Soldmannstraße 15
house 2, room 1.37
17489 Greifswald

Tel.: +49 (0)3834 420 4095
Fax: +49 (0)3834 420 4096


Video presentation of the working group Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Dynamics (with English subtitles)