Saroj Basnet

Saroj Basnet, Doktorand (DFG-Graduiertenkolleg RESPONSE)

Soldmannstraße 15, Raum 1.31

Telefon: +49 (0) 38 34 - 420 41 35


  • Waldökologie / Dendroökologie
  • Dendroklimatologie
Curriculum Vitae
2018 M.Sc. in Environmental Science; GoldenGate International College, Tribhuvan University, Nepal; Dissertation work entitled, “Fire History and Climate-Growth response of Abies spectabilis: A case from Langtang National Park, Nepal Himalaya”
2013 Bachelors of Sciences in Environmental Science; Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Forschungs- und Arbeitserfahrung
Since April 2021 Ph.D. Student (RESPONSE Graduate School: DFG Grako 2010), Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Dynamics Working Group, University of Greifswald, Germany
September 2020 – February 2021 Research Assistant, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Nepal; project entitled, “Growth analysis of economically valuable species Shorea Robusta of tropical Terai of Nepal”
August 2019 – September 2020 Assistant Research Fellow, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Nepal at project entitled, “Intra-specific growth response to changing climate and soil properties along an elevation gradient in mixed coniferous forest in Nepal Himalaya”
March 2018 – February 2021 Part-time Graduate Teaching Assistant, GoldenGate International College, Affiliated with Tribhuvan University, Nepal
September 2017- January 2020 Research Assistant, Project developed by Dr. Masaki Sano, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University, Japan project entitled “Elevation dependence of climate change in the Nepal Himalaya as reconstructed from tree rings and ice cores”
Peer reviewed

Saroj Basnet, Andreas Burger, Zuzana Homolová, Frederik Märker, Mario Trouillier und Martin Wilmking
Effect of bedrock, tree size, and time on growth and climate sensitivity of Norway spruce in the High Tatras
European Journal of Forest Research. DOI: 10.21203/

Frederik Märker, Mario Trouillier, Saroj Basnet, Andreas Burger, Zuzana Homolová, Michal Gazovic und Martin Wilmking
Emerging drought sensitivity for large Norway spruce trees at high elevation in the High Tatras, Slovakia
Trees 39 (7): 1-11. DOI: 10.1007/s00468-024-02576-9


Deepak Gautam, Saroj Basnet, Pawan Karki, Bibhuti Thapa, Pratik Ojha, Ujjwal Poudel, Sangeeta Gautam, Dinesh Adhikari, Alisha Sharma, Mahamad Sayab Miya, Aarati Khatri und Ashish Thapa
A Review on Dendrochronological Potentiality of the Major Tree Species of Nepal
Journal of Forest Research 9: 227. DOI: 10.35248/2168-9776.20.9.227


Saroj Basnet, Narayan P. Gaire und Praveen K Chhetri
Fire History and Climate-Growth response of Abies spectabilis: A case from Langtang National Park, Nepal Himalaya
Banko Janakari  29(2): 3–12. DOI: 10.3126/banko.v29i2.28093