Dr. Cosima Tegetmeyer

+49 3834 420-4170
- Global Peatland Database
- Seggenrohrsänger
Beruflicher Werdegang
seit 2016
wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am GMC
seit 2013
wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Greifswald, Arbeitsgruppe Moorkunde und Paläoökologie
seit 2008
Promotion „Analyse von Überwinterungshabitaten des Seggenrohrsängers im Senegal“ gefördert von der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) und der MAVA - Foundation for Nature
Studium: Landschaftsökologie und Naturschutz in Greifswald
laufende Projekte
- WETHORIZONS - improve wetland knowledge and develop tools to enhance protection and restoration of Europe’s wetlands (EU)
- AlfaWetlands - Wetland restoration for the future (EU, 2022-2026)
- NorBalWet - Ramsar Nordic-Baltic Wetlands Initiative
vergangene Projekte
- Deutscher Moorschutzdialog - Impulse für Klimaschutz, Biodiversität und nachhaltige Landnutzung auf Mooren (BMU, 2015-2018)
- Global Peatlands Initiative (GPI) - Assessing, Measuring and Preserving Peat Carbon (2018-2023)
Aufsätze in Zeitschriften (peer-reviewed)
- Tanneberger, F.; Moen, A.; Barthelmes, A.; Lewis, E.; Miles, L.; Sirin, A.; Tegetmeyer, C.; Joosten, H. (2021) Mires in Europe—Regional Diversity, Condition and Protection. Diversity 13, 381. DOI:10.3390/d13080381
- Tanneberger F., Tegetmeyer C., Busse S., Barthelmes A. and 55 others (2017): The peatland map of Europe. Mires and Peat, 19(22), 1-17. (link); 10.19189/MaP.2016.OMB.264
- Seifert Nina, Tegetmeyer Cosima and Angela Schmitz (2017) Habitat selection, home range and population size of Baillon’s Crake Zapornia pusilla in the Senegal Delta, north-west Senegal. Bird Conservation International, 1-21. DOI: 10.1017/S0959270917000077
- Tanneberger Franziska, Knöfler Vera, Linke Wilhelm, Tegetmeyer Cosima and Janusz Kloskowski (2014) Rapid changes in vegetation structure of Aquatic Warbler habitats in Pomerania – outcomes of targeted five year habitat management. Plant Diversity and Evolution. 130/3-4, 303-313.
- Tegetmeyer Cosima, Frick Annett and Nina Seifert (2014) Modelling habitat suitability in the Aquatic Warbler wintering ground Djoudj National Park in Senegal. Ostrich 85 (1): 57-66.
- Le Nevé Arnaud, Bargain Bruno, Tegetmeyer Cosima and Guyot Gaétan (2013): Hivernage au Sénégal d’un Phragmite aquatique Acrocephalus paludicola “isabelle”: longévité de l’espèce et liens de migration. Malimbus 35: 142-146.
- Poluda Anatoliy, Flade Martin, Foucher Julien, Kiljan Grzegorz, Tegetmeyer Cosima and Volker Salewski (2012) First confirmed connectivity between breeding sites and wintering areas of the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola. Ringing & Migration. 27 (1): 57-59.
- Tegetmeyer Cosima, Thoma Marco and Susanne Arbeiter (2012) Moult and mobility of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola on the West African non-breeding grounds. Journal of Ornithology. 153 (4): 1045-1051.
- Arbeiter Susanne and Cosima Tegetmeyer (2011) Home range and habitat use by the Aquatic Warblers Acrocephalus paludicola on their wintering grounds in Northwestern Senegal. Acta Ornithologica. 46: 117-126.
- Oppel Steffen, Pain Deborah J., Lindsell Jeremy A., Lachmann Lars, Diop Ibrahima, Tegetmeyer Cosima, Donald Paul F., Anderson Guy, Bowden Christopher G. R., Tanneberger Franziska and Martin Flade (2011) High variation reduces the value of feather stable isotope ratios in identifying new wintering areas for aquatic warblers Acrocephalus paludicola in West Africa. Journal of Avian Biology . 42(4): 342–354.
- Buchanan Graeme M., Lachmann Lars, Tegetmeyer Cosima, Oppel Steffen, Nelson Andy and Martin Flade (2011) Identifying the potential wintering sites of the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola using remote sensing. The Ostrich. 82 (2): 81-85
- Flade Martin,Diop Ibrahima, Haase Martin,Le Nevé Arnaud, Oppel Steffen, Tegetmeyer Cosima, Vogel Anna and Volker Salewski (2011) Distribution, ecology and threat status of the Aquatic Warblers (Acrocephalus paludicola) wintering in West Africa. Journal of Ornithology. 152 (0): 129–140.
- Tanneberger Franziska, Tegetmeyer Cosima, Dylawerski Marek, Flade Martin and Hans Joosten (2009) Commercially cut reed as a new and sustainable habitat for the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler. Biodiversity and Conservation. 6: 1475–1489.
Forschungsberichte, Diskussionspapiere, andere Aufsätze
- Tegetmeyer, C., Barthelmes, K.-D., Busse, S. & Barthelmes, A. (2021) Aggregierte Karte der organischen Böden Deutschlands. 2., überarbeitete Fassung. Greifswald Moor Centrum-Schriftenreihe 01/2021 (Selbstverlag, ISSN 2627‐910X), 10 S.
- Tegetmeyer, C., Barthelmes, K.-D., Busse, S. & Barthelmes, A. (2020) Aggregierte Karte der organischen Böden Deutschlands. Greifswald Moor Centrum-Schriftenreihe 01/2020 (Selbstverlag, ISSN 2627‐910X), 10 S.
- Peters Jan & Cosima Tegetmeyer (2019) Inventory of peatlands in the Caribbean and first description of priority areas. Proceedings of the Greifswald Mire Centre 05/2019 (self-published, ISSN 2627‐910X), 76 p.
- Tegetmeyer Cosima, Foucher Julien and Martin Flade (2018) Wintering. chapter 2.10. In: Franziska Tanneberger & Justyna Kubacka (eds) The Aquatic Warbler Conservation Handbook LfU 2018: 92-103.
- Tegetmeyer Cosima, Herold Benjamin and Marco Thoma (2016): Monitoring of Aquatic Warbler habitats in the Ndiaël Basin (Senegal). Technical Report.
- Tegetmeyer Cosima, Herold Benjamin and Marco Thoma (2016): Surveillance des habitats du Phragmite aquatique dans le bassin Ndiaël (Sénégal). Technical Report.
- Joosten Hans, Szallies Isabell and Cosima Tegetmeyer (2016) The Flow Country (Scotland) as a blanket bog landscape – A global evaluation. Technical Report. Greifswald Mire Centre, International Mire Conservation Group.
- Dresen Elisabeth, Tegetmeyer Cosima, Mundt Fanny and Martin Dresen (2015) Final Report – Mapping and analysis of wetlands and rivers at Kafa Biosphere Reserve. NABU Project: Biodiversity under Climate Change: Community Based Conservation, Management and Development Concepts for the Wild Coffee Forests.
- Barthelmes Alexandra, Cowenberg John, Risager Mette, Tegetmeyer Cosima and Hans Joosten (2015) Peatlands and Climate in a Ramsar context. Nordic Council of Ministers. TemaNord 2015:544.
- Tanneberger Franziska, Bellebaum Jochen, Dylawerski Marek, Fartmann Thomas, Jurzyk-Nordlöw Silvia, Koska Ingo, Tegetmeyer Cosima and Magdalena Wojciechowska (2011): Habitats of the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) in Pomerania - site conditions, flora, and vegetation characteristics. Plant Diversity and Evolution 129 (3): 253–273.
- Tegetmeyer Cosima (2009) - Habitat analysis of Aquatic Warbler wintering grounds–first field period 2008. In: DÉZÉCOT J., LE NEVÉ A. & BARGAIN B. (eds) - The Aquatic Warbler, a global threatened species. Proc LIFE Seminar Conservation of the Aquatic Warbler in Brittany. Penn ar Bed 206: 40–41.
- Tegetmeyer Cosima, Tanneberger Franziska, Dylawerski Marek, Flade Martin and Hans Joosten (2007): The Aquatic Warbler - Saving Europe's most threatened song bird. Peatlands International. 1: 19-23.
- Tegetmeyer Cosima, Peper Jan, Etzold Jonathan and Sebastian Schmidt (2007): Conservation value of the shifting sand dune complex and lagoons in Samur Divichi Lowlands (Northern Azerbaijan). Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung. 46: 79-93.