Svenja Ahlgrimm

Svenja Ahlgrimm

Soldmannstraße 15, Room 2.22

Telefon: +49 (0) 38 34 - 420 40 28


Focus of research
  • Dendroecology & -climatology
  • Forest ecology
  • Landscape development
Curriculum Vitae
since 11.2019 Ph.D. student/ research assistant Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Dynamics Working Group, University of Greifswald, Project „ArchaeoForest”
09.2018 Summer School „Old-Growth Forest Research“ (Ukraine), Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft
06 - 08.2015 DAAD-Scholarship, Course „Arctic Plant Ecology”, Fieldwork, The University Centre in Svalbard
10.2014 – 10.2019 Employee of NABU-MV (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union), Project „Schatz an der Küste“, Federal programme for Biological Diversity
10.2014 - 09.2019 M.Sc. in Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation, University of Greifswald; Grade: 1.2; Thesis about Tree growth responses to peatland restoration, Project “Wetscapes”, Grade 1,0
02 - 04.2014 Internship, Forestry Departement Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Forstamt Schlemmin
2011 - 2018 Student assistant, Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology, University of Greifswald
07 - 09.2012 Fieldwork in Alaska, DFG-Project „Genes or Environment? White spruce and the divergence effect at Alaska's northern treeline”
07 – 09.2010 DAAD-scholarship for dendroecological fieldwork in West Greenland
10.2009 – 01.2014 B.Sc. Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation, University of Greifswald; Thesis about white spruce and the divergence effect at Alaska's treeline
Peer reviewed

Allan Buras, Marieke van der Maaten-Theunissen, Ernst van der Maaten, Svenja Ahlgrimm, Philipp Hermann, Sonia Simard, Ingo Heinrich, Gerd Helle, Martin Unterseher, Martin Schnittler, Pascal Eusemann and Martin Wilmking
Tuning the Voices of a Choir: Detecting Ecological Gradients in Time-Series Populations

PLoS ONE 11(7): 1–21. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0158346

Martin Schnittler, Nikki H.A. Dagamac, M. Sauke, Martin Wilmking, Allan Buras, Svenja Ahlgrimm and Pascal Eusemann
Ecological factors limiting occurrence of corticolous myxomycetes – a case study from Alaska
Fungal Ecology 21: 16–23. DOI: 10.1016/j.funeco.2016.02.003


Rasmus H. Jørgensen, Martin Hallinger, Svenja Ahlgrimm, Juliane Friemel, Johannes Kollmann, and Henrik Meilby
Growth response to climatic change over 120 years for Alnus viridis and Salix glauca in West Greenland
Journal of Vegetation Science 26 (1): 155–165. DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12224


Pascal Eusemann, P. Herzig, M. Kiess, Svenja Ahlgrimm, P. Herrmann, Martin Wilmking and Martin Schnittler
Three microsatellite multiplex PCR assays allowing high resolution genotyping of white spruce, Picea glauca
Silvae Genetica 63(5): 230–234.