Vom Potenzial zum Produkt: Makroalgen nachhaltig regional anbauen und nutzen

From potential to product: sustainable regional cultivation and use of macroalgae
Contact: Johannes Sarau
In April 2024, the Plant3 joint project "AlgenGruen" was launched as part of the funding measure "WIR! - Wandel durch Innovation in der Region", funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The network consists of three project partners: the University of Greifswald, DLE GmbH from Penzlin and Alles Alge e.V.. The project focuses on research about cultivation-methods of marine macroalgae in the Baltic Sea and their potential as a natural resource for food products. In addition, awareness-raising measures on the subject of macroalgae are in focus.
In close cooperation, Alles Alge e.V. and the University of Greifswald are developing adapted cultivation systems for the algae species Ulva spp. and Furcellaria lumbricalis for several selected location-sites on the Baltic Sea coast of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. To this end, we are conducting reproduction and growth experiments and testing harvesting and preservation methods.
The project partners Alles Alge e.V. and the University of Greifswald will jointly develop and test methods for raising awareness of the topic of regional macroalgae and their ecological and economic importance. Target group-specific formats will be developed with interactive concepts designed to inspire participants. The university of Greifswald develops educational trips on traditional sailing vessels in the lagoon of Greifswald, which will take place in cooperation with Hanne-Marie e.V..
The DLE GmbH will focus on "Algae in contemporary nutrition". In addition to the development of prototypes of typical regional foods, the testing of consumer acceptance for these new and traditional foods represents an important milestone within the project. In order to interest the local food industry in the topic of "algae from the Baltic Sea", DLE GmbH will use its networking within the industry.
We welcome regional players who are interested in the topic and want to be actively involved in the project. Whether they are educational institutions, catering or fishing businesses, nature conservation associations or political decision-makers, we want to engage in dialogue and work together to find solutions for a more sustainable use of our marine resources.
Laufzeit: 01.04.2024 – 31.12.2025
Förderkennzeichen: 03WIR2228A
Finanzierung: BMBF – Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Fördermaßnahme: WIR! – Wandel durch Innovation in der Region (Plant3)
Alles Alge e.V.
Esther Robbe (Projektleitung)
Claudia Farack, Christian Schulz, Esther Robbe (Projektteam)
Warnowufer 29 (Postanschrift)
18057 Rostock
Universität Greifswald
Experimentelle Pflanzenökologie
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kreyling (AG Leitung)
Johannes Sarau (Projektteam)
Soldmannstraße 15
17487 Greifswald
Dienstleistungsgesellschaft für Lebensmitteltechnologie und Ernährung Penzlin mbH
Holger Gniffke (Geschäftsführung)
Jonas Kiaulehn
Aver Weg 6a
17217 Penzlin OT Groß Lukow