November 21th, 2011: OZ article in the Greifswald local news about the "CO2 neutral University" project
On Tuesday, 15/11/2011, several experts discussed the "CO2 neutral University" project at a panel discussion. This event was part of the panel discussion series "Sustainable university" which took place during the "Greif mit ein! Greifswalder Aktionstage für Klimaschutz und nachhaltige Entwicklung", 14.-19.11.2011 (translated: Take action! Greifswald's days of action for climate protection and sustainable development"). People on the panel: André Dreißen (Director of Stadtwerke Greifswald), Florian Geyder (student's delegate, UniSolar AG Greifswald), Kerstin Kräusche (Head of Environmental Managemnt, HNEE), Waldemar Okon (Head of planning department, University Greifswald), Dr. Thorsten Permien (Ministry of the Environment Mecklenburg Vorpommern) and Prof. Martin Wilmking (Head of Landscape Ecology, Universität Greifswald).
October 28th, 2011: OZ article about CO2 neutral University
A detailed article about the "CO2 neutral University" project by Prof. Martin Wilmking and his working group was published on October 28 by the Ostsee-Zeitung. By reducing CO2 emissions and compensating the remaining emissions with an innovative mix of different measures, Greifswald University could be CO2 neutral in 2016. "We would probably be the first university in the world reaching this goal", says Martin Wilmking.
October 2011: Article in New Phytologist Virtual Special Issue
The article “Establishing a missing link: warm summers and winter snow cover promote shrub expansion into alpine tundra in Scandinavia” by Martin Hallinger, Michael Manthey and Martin Wilmking was published in the latest issue of New Phytologist Virtual Special Issue (VSI) ‘Sir Arthur Tansley’s ecosystem concept’.
October 2011: Book release
Dierk Michaelis: Die Sphagnum-Arten der Welt.
In: H.W. Lack, P. Leins & S. Porembski (Hrsg.):
Bibliotheca Botanica Volume 16: 408 pages;
Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart 2011.
ISBN 978-3-510-48031-9, hardcover, price: 149,00 €, in German
October 12th, 2011: Ph.D. Colloquium
Yongxiang Zhang (title “Recent influence of climate and environment on coniferous growth at treelines of the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau – divergent growth trends question traditional dendroclimatology?”) and Michal Gazovic (title “Inter- and intra-annual variations of carbon fluxes in boreal peatlands”) successfully defended their Ph.D. theses. Congratulations to both!
September 26th, 2011: LENC graduate saves part of rain forest
Our Indian LENC graduate and scholarship holder of Stemmler-Stiftung, Mr. Balachandra Hegde, achieved by his master thesis ("Zooming in and zooming out in landscapes: Applying landscape ecology Greifswald approach for conservation in Western Ghats, India") protection of a 410 km² large rain forest area in India.
September 12th, 2011: Article in "Ostsee-Zeitung" about the CABNET project
Rescue for the large-scale arid environments of central Asia – new project of the University’s landscape ecologists with Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan coordinated by Succow Foundation
Under this title the "Ostsee-Zeitung" introduces on its university-page in the Greifswald local news section the CABNET-project (Central Asian Biodiversity Network), with Prof. Michael Manthey being the supervisor. The project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Development and Collaboration, is coordinated by the Succow Foundation, known to be an active player for years in Central Asian landscapes. Besides Greifswald University’s landscape ecologists, two Kazakh universities as well as one Turkmen Institute are involved in the project. The aim of the CABNET-project is to establish a network for investigation and protection of biological diversity in Central Asian arid environments (buildup of university partnerships).
August 2011: Point of view to "Mission statement of sustainable development"
The magazine "Forschung und Lehre" published a point of view by Prof. Martin Wilmking in its issue of August:
"We are in the middle of the UN decade 'Education for sustainable development' with the goal to 'implement the mission statement of a sustainable development in all areas of education'. This means also at the universities. This request makes sense. In note of the increasing scarcity of resources and raising world population it is obvious that “business as usual” cannot be forever the guiding principle, that new ways and new mission statements are needed to face the societal, ecological, economical and also the political challenges." …
August 2011: DFG approves the proposal "New statistical operations for amplitude optimized palaeo-climate reconstructions"
DFG approves funding to Prof. Wilmking in collaboration with Prof. Kutzbach (Clisap, Hamburg University), Dr. Zorita and Prof. von Storch (GKSS). The project is titled "New statistical operations for amplitude optimized palaeo climate reconstructions of temporally high resolution noisy proxy data". The project is coordinated by Hamburg University (Prof. Kutzbach) and is supposed to run three years.
According to several current publications up to now many palaeo climate reconstructions underestimate the amplitudes of long-wave fluctuations of the past temperature development. One reason for this systematic error is probably the insufficient consideration of the error’s noise, which biases the proxy-climate indicator data as well as the instrumentally measured climate data for calibration. Recently, an iterative operation for amplitude optimized reconstruction of noisy time series was presented by Thees et al. (2009) which is based on errors in the variable-models and a new introduced estimator of the amplitude’s constancy of modeled time series. The here proposed project has the following aims which build up on each other: (1.) The Thees operation will be tested with the help of an ensemble of pseudo climate proxy data for its robustness. (2.) The Thees operation will be tested for practical interest by applying it to a 1500 year old regional palaeo temperature reconstruction for Northern Sweden. (3.) The reviewed and optimized Thees operation will be used to generate amplitude optimized palaeo temperature reconstructions for three further climate regions of the Northern hemisphere.
August 2011: DFG approves a Research Grant to Dr. Maxim Dorodnikov, project title "Stable Carbon composition of Methane in Eurasian Peatlands"
Dr. Maxim Dorodnikov raised funds at DFG for a project running 30 months, funding volume about 250.000 €. Funding includes a position for himself. The research project builds up on the DFG funded Emmy Noether Junior Research Group "Eurasian Peatlands in a Changing Climate" by Prof. Wilmking. Congratulations Maxim!
June 2011: Virtual Institute for Climate and Landscape Evolution Analyses funded
The "Helmholtz Gemeinschaft" has established 12 new virtual institutes. One of them is ICLEA (Virtual Institute for Climate and Landscape Evolution Analyses). Our working group Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Dynamics is one out of four partners of the virtual institute. In the following five years we - together with GFZ Potsdam, which holds the central coordination, the Polish Academy of sciences (Torun) and the BTU Cottbus – will try to reconstruct climate history of the Northern German-Polish lowland with high spatial and temporal resolution. In Greifswald we will be responsible for the dencroecological / dendrochronological analyses. Total grant volume is 4.5 million €. We are looking forward to new possibilities and challenges!
June 17th, 2011: 3sat science magazin "nano" (TV show) reports about "generation future"
Research without expedition is unimaginably - Martin Wilmking changes established doctrines
Under this headline the 3sat science magazin "nano" (TV show) portraits Prof. Martin Wilmking as a protagonist of the new generation of scientists. The magazine introduces in its series "generation future" young scientists who achieved "remarkable results in their research and are considered bearer of hope in their research discipline."
June 16th, 2011: reports
Under the headline "Senatssitzung: Uni will bis 2016 CO2-neutral werden" Daniel Voessing explains on the concept of a CO2 neutral University which was presented by Prof. Martin Wilmking at the senate`s meeting on June 15th.
Link to the article (available in German only):
May 2nd, 2011: Ph.D. Colloquium
Julia Schneider successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis "Dynamik der CO2-Flüsse borealer Moore". Congratulations!
February 28th, 2011
Dr. Jasmin Mantilla-Contreras accepted an offer of a professorship (Junior Professorship "Ecology and Environmental Education") at the Stiftung Universität Hildesheim, starting in the winter term 2011/12. Congratulations! She will still be associated with our working group as a guest researcher.
February 18th, 2011: Ph. D. Colloquium
Inke Forbrich successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis "Methane exchange of a boreal peatland – Integrated measurements and modeling on microform and ecosystem scale at the Salmisuo mire complex, Eastern Finland". Congratulations!
January 22nd, 2011: BEN presentation in "Salon Sophie Charlotte", Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Dr. Jasmin Mantilla Contreras and Dr. Niels Thevs, Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology, Greifswald University, complemented by Prof. Stefan Zerbe, Bozen University, and Peter Annighöfer, Göttingen University, presented their Junior Research Groups from the BEN-Supporting-Program of the German Stiftungszentrum in "Salon Sophie Charlotte", hosted by Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. During the talks sponsors and sponsored people have the possibility to exchange information about their projects.
BEN is short for Biodiversity – Ecology – Nature Conservation. Dr. Jasmin Mantilla Contreras leads since 2008 the Junior Research Group "Biodiversity, ecology and management of coastal habitats of the Baltic Sea". Dr. Niels Thevs is leading since 2009 the Junior Research Group "Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change and Sustainable Land Use in Central Asia (Turkmenistan and Xinjiang, China)". The Junior Research Groups consisting of an interdisciplinary team of one Postdoctoral scientist and two Ph.D. students work together on one research project. The Junior Research Groups of the Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology of Greifswald University are funded by "Bauer Hollmann" Foundation and "Rudolf und Helene Glaser" Foundation in the German Foundation Center.
January 7th, 2011: Event notification
North of the Arctic Circle – “Beyond 66° starts at Greifswald University
Northern lights, wolves, snow and ice, rapid rivers, colorful tundra, blue glaciers, grizzly bears, chilly waters, dense forests, high alpine valleys, amazing landscapes, resistant plants and (almost) tireless scientists. We are talking about “Beyond 66°” – a lecture series with impressions from different landscapes and regions north of 66° latitude. Staff members of the Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology of Greifswald University were allowed to get to know them as scientifics, but also on a personal level. Now they talk about their adventures.
January 2011: "Mekkas der Moderne" won award in "Scientific book of the year" contest
The judging panel of "bild der wissenschaft" announces in its current issue the winning candidates. "Mekkas der Moderne" with two articles by Prof. M. Wilmking was awarded 2nd place in the category "Surprise – the book which describes a topic in the most inventive way". First prize was given to Arthur Bremer’s "Die Welt in 100 Jahren". Third place won "Hast du Töne – warum wir alle musikalisch sind" by Christoph Drösser.
Furthermore, „Mekkas der Moderne“ was shortlisted as the "Scientific book of the year" in Austria. In the name of the Austrian ministry of science, the judging panel selected the best books of the year. The readers will now decide who will win the Public’s Choice Award.
The judging panel writes about the internet-game, from which the book was developed: "Who now feels the desire for new places or wants to state doubts and objections can now find the appropriate place for that, which is also the place where the book has its origin"