September 18th, 2017: Dr. Marina Gurskaya
Dr. Marina Gurskaya from the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia, is visiting our working group again. Until December, Marina will work with other members of the working group on reconstructions using Pinus sylvestris in Eurasia. Welcome back Marina!
September 2017: Award for best oral presentation for Jelena Lange
Jelena won the award for the best oral presentation with her talk „Micro-site conditions and growing season water availability significantly affect climate signals of Scots pine at its northern distribution limits “ at the EURODENDRO 2017 conference in Estonia. Congratulations! And well done!
September 2017: Poster-award for Roberto Cruz-Garcia
Roberto won the award for the best poster presentation at the EURODENDRO 2017 Conference in Estonia. His poster was entitled “Climate sensitivity of beech and oak stands in a coastal forest in northeastern Germany affected by their management regime” and was centered on first results for his Ph.D. thesis in the FOMOSY-KK project. Congratulations! Well done Roberto!
July 1st, 2017: New member of our working group
We welcome Dr. Jill Harvey from Victoria, Canada, in our working group. Jill will work in the next two years within the project BaltRap concentrating on the reconstruction of rapid climate and environmental changes in the southern Baltic Sea region. A special focus will be given to times of rapid change, for example in the last decades or at the end of the medieval climate anomaly. Jill moved to Greifswald with her husband Brandan and daughter Marina plus Neko the dog – Welcome!
March 2017: Full Ph.D. scholarship for Karolina Janecka
Karolina was awarded a DAAD scholarship to work on her Ph.D. in our group. Her proposal is titled “Effect of soil conditions on pine growth in the Baltic Sea region and its relevance for paleoclimatic reconstructions”. Karolina will contribute to the BaltRap network. Her Ph.D. studies will start beginning of 2018. Congratulations! Well done Karolina!
January 2017: WETSCAPES collaborative research project started
In January 2017 starts the WETSCAPES collaborative research project of the Universities of Greifswald and Rostock on turnover processes at peatlands and coastal sites. The project is funded within the excellent research programme of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with 5 millions Euro over a period of 4 years and 3 months with means of the European Social Fund.
Peatlands and coastal sites are characterizing elements of landscapes and, thus, land usage in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. They occupy 13 percent of the whole area of the federal state. The interdisciplinary joint project WETSCAPES will focus on these ecosystems. The affiliated partners aim to develop scientific principles for sustainable and gentle cultivation of peatlands and wet coastal sites, particular degraded and later rewetted areas. Within the project consortium the working group Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Dynamics is mainly working on biomass development in rewetted and drained alder-carrs in dependence of water level and other ecological site parameters. Detailed growth models will be developed and connected to results from the other workpackages to end up with GHG-budgets as a function of site parameters. We aim at identifying physiological thresholds in the tolerance of alder to water level fluctuations. In addition explorative dendrochemical- and wood anatomical work shall help to better understand the process of peat formation in swamp forests.